I found a home for my sweet little bird and I wanted to share it with you again...YAY!! Selling my art is always bittersweet because they are my babies in a way but I love sharing my art with people who appreciate it. Sorry I have no new art to share because we've been so busy...I am finishing up the school speech therapy job this week and thursday we leave for a cruise with the boys (Edgar 16 and Gene 18- my stepsons) to Cozumel to celebrate Gene Jr's highschool graduation (yay!! He actually made it!!!). I will be gone for a few days but I will come back and post some pictures and maybe some art! I will take a few art supplies with me...
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow as we start the 5:00 PM Bon voyage party on the ship, leave the Ft. Lauderdale port and head out to sea, sitting on the top deck listening to the band playing tropical music like "JAMMIN"....hmmmmm will I be holding a margarita?, glass of wine? or long island iced tea? We'll just have to see.....
Talk to you next week!!!
Congratulations on selling your painting!!! Have a wonderful trip!! :)
WOO HOO...congrats on selling your artwork! this is a fabulous piece...i'm not surprised it sold! have a great time with your family!
That's so great...I understand the bittersweet part, but now it will be enjoyed & loved by others too. Very Cool. I've passed on the "one lovely blog" award to you :)
Yay! for you selling the painting and wow what a lovely one too.
CONGRATS! on your sale - its always lovely when people appreciate your art enough to purchase it! Wishing you well, cheers Val
I Love this...you are such a great artist...you are "out there" and I just love that about you. Thank you for being my friend/artist too! I really look forward to seeing more of your work! sugarbaker... :)
I just left a message and it is asking me to do it again, so sorry didn't mean to do that?
Congrats! This is my first visit here. What beautiful work you have! I love it! I can't wait to have more time to scroll down and see more :)
I so love that piece!! I can see why it sold!
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