What can I say about the lovely cardinal? I was living in Albany, GA and was dating and thought I found the man of my dreams....this would be my second marriage...........was this the real thing???? I'm parked in front of my work place, waiting to go inside, we had been dating 18 months and were thinking about getting married, Lord, THIS time please let me know if this is right, I want this to be the right one.....suddenly, right in front of my car, flitting around in a flirting frenzy are two cardinals, the lovely red male and the less flambouyant female...so sweet....so joyful.....so loving....my (now husband of 10 yrs) had been so sweetly pursuing me...this was the sign...the cardinals....and before we bought our first home...driving there for a second look, there in front of our car as we approached the home we would spend 4 happy years in, were 2 flirting cardinals....flying around right in front of our car....oblivious of traffic...
I love the cardinal......at that home, most mornings, a cardinal would wake us even before the alarm clock and we came to learn the distinct chirp of the cardinal.....
this ACEO says in my own humble cursive, hello little birdie, hello little birdie, sing for joy, sing for joy, goodnight little birdie.....isnt this the cycle of love in life????
I was taken by your relationship with the cardinal. My 1st husband, father of my 3 daughters, love of my life, was a photographer and loved taking photos of nature. He had taken one of a cardinal in snow off our back porch ...anyhow, after he died, I was sitting at his grave one evening at dusk and so heavy with grief and questions when I heard a cardinal - he was sitting at the very tip top of a huge evergreen tree, I believe, telling me that all will be well. God does send signs if we would just pay attention. -Connie (the Mom) from thingswithwings.
What a wonderful post to accompany this fantastic piece with a cardinal. There are signs if we look for them aren't there? How lovely to hear of your sign. I too am a great lover of cardinals and always feel so blessed to see them.
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